dinsdag 31 maart 2015

The International Premiere Of "THE BIG MO"

Rob Symes meets the guy behind the Obama and Romney 2012 political campaigns and learn how they used science to predict and persuade voters.

You May Not Be as Anonymous as You Think

When multiple datasets get pulled together once-deidentified individuals can become reidentifiable; without their knowledge and understanding.

maandag 30 maart 2015

zaterdag 28 maart 2015

IT Security Lessons from the World's Biggest Data Breaches

While you may not have access to millions of credit card numbers or an extensive database of data, security should be a top concern for smaller organizations.

vrijdag 27 maart 2015

5 Best Python Libraries For Data Science

In this tutorial I am going to discuss about the 5 best Python libraries to use for your data analysis, including pandas, scipy and matplot.

The 7 Problems Data Scientists Don't Want to Solve

Before a Data Scientist can be successful, here are 7 problems they don’t want to solve and an opportunity for you to step up to make an impact.

donderdag 26 maart 2015

woensdag 25 maart 2015

How a Chief Data Officer Can make Your Data Great

By 2017, 25% of organizations will have a Chief Data Officer. The CDO could be the key person to commit to high data quality across the business.

2nd Annual Data and Information Management in Oil and Gas Summit

The Data and Information Management in Oil and Gas Conference focuses on the importance of analysing data specifically for the oil & gas industry.

Analysis Reveals Dramatic Rise in UK Tech Investments

Data has always played a crucial role when deciding on investments, trying to understand funding trends and emerging industries or products.

Big Data & Analytics for Banking Summit - New York 2015

The Big Data & Analytics in Banking Summit brings together acclaimed speakers and attendees of the banking and financial service industries.

Big Data & Analytics Innovation Summit - Beijing, China

The Big Data Innovation Summit brings together thoughtleaders from the industry for an event acclaimed for its interactive sessions and high-level speakers.

dinsdag 24 maart 2015

Predictive Analytics Innovation Summit - Chicago, United States

With 40+ Industry Speakers & 250+ delegates, the Predictive Analytics Innovation Summit is the largest gathering of business executives at the forefront of predictive analytics initiatives.

Business Intelligence Innovation Summit 2015

This summit brings together a community of business intelligence professionals providing a platform for leading executives to share the challenges faced, successes made and the stories created.

Sports Performance & Tech Summit - Manchester, United Kingdom

Maximizing Performance with Technology & Data at the Sports Performance & Tech Summit - Manchester, United Kingdom. Register today.

HR & Workforce Analytics Innovation - Chicago, United States

Driving Workforce Success Through Analytics at the HR & Workforce Analytics Innovation - Chicago, United States. Register Today.

Social & Digital Analytics Innovation Conference - Miami

Drive Success Through Innovative Digital Analytics at the Social & Digital Analytics Innovation Conference - Miami

Sports Analytics Innovation Summit - San Francisco, United States

Push the Boundaries with Data and speakers from ESPN, the NFL & more at the Sports Analytics Innovation Summit - San Francisco. Register today.

The Wearable Tech in Sport Summit - San Francisco, United States

Wearable Technology & Digital Innovation in Sports with speakers from Hawkeye, Adidas & more at the Wearable Tech in Sport Summit - San Francisco. Register today.

Customer Analytics Innovation 2015 - Chicago

Gain Greater Customer Insight with Big Data & Analytics with speakers from Netflix, eBay & more at the Customer Analytics Innovation conference. Register today.

Big Data & Analytics for Retail Summit - Chicago 2015

Building Brands with Customer Analytics with speakers from eBay, Groupon & more at the Big Data and Analytics for Retail Summit. Register today.

The Business Intelligence Conference - Chicago 2015

Managing Data for Effective Business Insight with speakers from Netflix, Dropbox & more at the Business Intelligence conference in Chicago. Register today.

Business Analytics Innovation Summit, Chicago 2015

Gain Insights, Drive Business Planning with speakers from BBC, VISA & HSBC + more at the Business Analytics Innovation Summit!

The Predictive Analytics Innovation - London, United Kingdom

Fostering Innovation in Predictive Analytics with speakers from Vodafone, TFL & more!

Digital & Web Analytics Summit - London, United Kingdom

Gain Actionable & Impactful Digital Insight with speakers from King.com, FatFace & more!

Gaming Analytics Summit - San Francisco, United States

Reshaping the Industry with Data Insight, with speakers from Sony, Activision & more!

Social Media & Web Analytics Innovation - San Francisco, United States

Simplify Digital Analytics event in San Francisco with speakers from Spotify, eBay & Facebook

Sentiment Analysis Innovation - San Francisco, United States

Learn how to dig deeper into customer feedback and online opinion at this exclusive summit.

Big Data & Analytics Innovation Summit

With internationally renowned speakers & world-class delegates in attendance this summit boasts some of Data's most influential individuals

maandag 23 maart 2015

Five Ways How Startups Can Leverage Big Data

You don’t have to be a large company to start with Big Data. As a startup you can gain significant competitive advantage when leveraging your data.

Simplest Way to Monetize Data: Think of Data as a Product

Companies are looking to monetize their big data assets but do not know how. It is time for companies to think as the data as a product

vrijdag 20 maart 2015

Real-Life Examples of Companies Using Data-as-a-Service to Boost Revenue

Data-as-a-Service is the next leap forward in the modern data ecosystem, fueling competitive marketing advantage in new and exciting ways.

The Sentiment Analysis Symposium in New York

The Sentiment Analysis Symposium is about technologies and solutions that uncover business value in social media, news, and enterprise feedback.

donderdag 19 maart 2015

woensdag 18 maart 2015

Our Iceberg is Melting. Now Where's that Data Scientist?

Can data science address the Marketing disruptions and can it help an organization trying to improve their Marketing Effectiveness Strategy?

A fresh mix of data creates new insights

Although big data signifies a vast and abstract mass of potential solutions across industries, Mark van Rijmenam advocates increasing the use of the term mixed data instead.

Analyzing Big Data Will Require More Statistics

Big Data represents a paradigm shift in approach and methodology, yet not in statistical thinking or assumptions. These, we will need in abundance.

dinsdag 17 maart 2015

Big Data: The Latest Weapon Against Money Laundering

Money laundering is a growing issue for many organization, but big data may be a solution to stop and prevent it.

5 Painful Prediction Pitfalls

Predictive applications require applied data science and cannot live outside of their application domain. Here are five pitfalls to watch out for.

Using Big Data to Target In-Market Shoppers

Marketers should use real-time behavioral data to target consumers and deliver real-time experiences and relevant messages to customers.

maandag 16 maart 2015

What is all the fuss about Dark Data? Big Data's New Best Friend

Dark data is data that is generated during business, but is not used for analysis. Analyzing this dark data can bring you a lot of benefits.

Analytics and Exponential, Unpredictable Growth

In the Big Data era, will the data required for a new analysis follow a linear, easy to predict growth curve or an exponential, impossible to predict growth curve?

donderdag 12 maart 2015

woensdag 11 maart 2015

How Big Data is Driving the Next Wave of Mass Customization

Big Data is driving mass customization, in relation to personalized marketing, dynamic, personalized pricing and mass customized manufacturing.

dinsdag 10 maart 2015

maandag 9 maart 2015

Consider this: Big Data is not Data Warehousing

Big Data is not Data Warehousing, it is not the evolution of Data Warehousing and it is not a sensible and coherent alternative to Data Warehousing.

vrijdag 6 maart 2015

Big Data Summit US

The Big Data Summit is a unique opportunity for C-level executives involved in data storage, data management and data analysis to come together.