zaterdag 30 mei 2015

How to Discover the Hidden Value in Your Customer Data?

As the field of Big Data Analytics turns more and more predictive, emphasis on using data moves to discovering unknown landscapes and hidden data.

vrijdag 29 mei 2015

How to Improve Customer Experience by Quantifying Multichannel Issues?

Customer experience is the number one guideline when it comes to improving and optimizing a website and data can give you valuable insights about it.

Internet of Things - Angels and Demons

The Internet of Things is moving from buzzword to reality, but it is not an easy journey. Angels that defend the IoT and demons that attack the IoT.

donderdag 28 mei 2015

21 Essential Data Visualization Tools

If you are a data lover, then you must check the 21 data visualization tools we curated for you. Most of them are free and easy to use.

Why You Need To Understand The Limitations Of Big Data

Big data has something of an inflated reputation, and it can be hard to see past the hype. But let’s give it a try to better understand its potential.

Top 10 Data Mining Algorithms, Demystified

An explanation in plain English of the top 10 most influential data mining algorithms that organizations can use to make the most of their Big Data.

woensdag 27 mei 2015

Statistics Debacles & The Coming Flood Of Statistical Malfeasance

There is a flood of statistical malfeasance on its way. This being exacerbated by promotional hype, which can minimize applied statistics.

Why Information Governance is Like Diet and Exercise

Information Governance shouldn’t be overwhelming if you start with small projects and build a track record of success you can improve your security.

dinsdag 26 mei 2015

360 Degrees Customer View and Its Web Data Collection Struggle

To create a single customer view companies turn to data warehousing, but they struggle to deliver the web data to the warehouse environment.

Big Data Hadoop Alternatives: What They Offer and Who Uses Them

For all its tremendous power and benefits, Hadoop does have drawbacks, but Hadoop alternatives are emerging that you can use in your Big Data strategy

maandag 25 mei 2015

vrijdag 22 mei 2015

The Internet of Things, Big Data and Preventative Predictions

Preventative predictions will form a big part of the Big Data revolution, but we should be careful not to let their conclusions get out of hand.

10 Benefits of Big Data Governance for Your Organization

Despite popular belief, Big Data governance can be complimentary to an organization’s Big Data Strategy and actually improve your data initiative.

donderdag 21 mei 2015

A Beginner's Guide to Embedded Data Analytics

This abridged guide will cover the essential things to look out for in selecting and purchasing embedded big data analytics software.

Drive Growth with Better Data - Tips for Small Businesses

It’s the age of Big Data and companies of all sizes are diving into the online world to find new data, opportunities and new ways to grow business.

woensdag 20 mei 2015

How Can You Protect Your Data From Government Spying?

Data privacy and security laws in many developed nations are shoddy, at best. So, how can you keep data safe when even the law isn’t on your side?

Quantifying Human Emotions with Google Trends via Fiber Optics. Really?

Google Trends captured the worlds sentiment in 2014 through the alphanumeric syntax we "Googled" and transmitted it to data centers around the world.

Preventing Car Crashes with Big Data Analytics

Predictive analytics, self-driving cars and other technology are fighting traffic accidents. Could Big Data reduce crashes to zero?

dinsdag 19 mei 2015

Why Business Strategy Always Trumps Data Analytics

Data analytics is a business vertical with its own dynamics. That is why your business needs a business strategy before applying big data analytics.

Using Big Data Analytics to Improve IT Operations

Big Data Analytics can enable IT to control their environments, diagnose and pre-empt problems and incidents resulting in a better IT environment.

An Overview of Data Analysis Tools to Start the Journey of Exploration

This detailed overview of Big Data tools help small business owners or large corporates to make more use of their internal and external data.

maandag 18 mei 2015

The Hadoop Honeymoon is Over

Hadoop is single handily responsible for the Big Data hype, according to experts. Martyn Jones however tells us why Hadoop is in fact not so fantastic

Blog 1: Essays On Statistics Denial

The promotional hype of Big Data is mischaracterizing the one thing we want most of all in the 'information rush,' statistics.

zaterdag 16 mei 2015

vrijdag 15 mei 2015

Data & Privacy. Will They Ever Co-exist?

Data is the fastest growing sector of the economy right now, every business is getting it from you, the consumer, and it is the newest form of capital

Datafloq - The One-Stop Shop for Big Data

The new digital economy is spurring a movement to a new type of marketing dollar. One where data is the "commodity" and you are the hunted.

All Is Not Lost: Finding Value In Marketing Attribution Data

While detailed customer data utilized for attribution may not be as useful as expected for usual attribution purposes, it still has a lot of value.

donderdag 14 mei 2015

Why Big Data and Technology Mark the End Of Sales

Big Data is the key to optimizing Customer Engagement. With the right data and analysis, you can truly understand what marketing actions work best.

woensdag 13 mei 2015

ESI, eDiscovery, InfoGov? What, Exactly, Are You Talking About?

Big Data comes with the adoption of confusing buzzwords such as ESI, Electronic Discovery, Information Governance, but what exactly do they mean?

Were the UK Election Polls Marred by Poor Quality Data?

The 2015 UK elections were hyped for being ‘too close to call’ according to the polls, but the results were different. Is the data quality to blame?

maandag 11 mei 2015

Are You A Data Hoarder? Learn How to Manage the Clutter

Businesses are stockpiling more data than ever before. From machine-generated data, social sentiment, transactional data, and emails, many companies feel as if they are drowning in data

vrijdag 8 mei 2015

donderdag 7 mei 2015

4 Breakthrough Uses for Big Data and Why You'll Benefit From Them

Big Data analytics used to be only for large enterprises with deep pockets, but due to knew technologies, also smaller enterprises can benefit from it

Why Big Data is Essential for Success in the Pharmaceutical Market

Big Data enables the Pharma industry to democratize data, which creates more successful drug launches and better commercial operations departments.

woensdag 6 mei 2015

Big Payoffs for Big Data Investments

For many organizations the path to success involves Big Data as a topic of critical importance to boards, but it also involves obvious challenges.

maandag 4 mei 2015

Taming Big Data: 3 Reasons to Reduce the Data Footprint

The best applications of Big Data are methods that significantly reduce the data footprint as more data does not necessarily mean better data.

Top 3 Challenges Retailers Overcome With Business Analytics

Retailers understand that with an omni-channel strategy that, big data analytics plays a vital role in customer acquisition and retention strategies.

zaterdag 2 mei 2015

The Myth of Model Interpretability

Deep networks are widely regarded as black boxes. But are they truly uninterpretable in any way that logistic regression is not?

vrijdag 1 mei 2015