Big Data
vrijdag 31 juli 2015
Cyberinsurance is a Key Part of a Strong Data Defense Plan
Cyberinsurance can provide much-needed tactical and financial support for companies confronted with a data security incident, but what is it exactly?
donderdag 30 juli 2015
The Last Mile of Analytics: Best of Times or Worst of Times?
Analytics adoption is no longer doubted. But is Analytics implementation showing success? Is there a framework to embed Analytics in the culture?
woensdag 29 juli 2015
BDaaS: The Latest Entrant to the ‘As A Service’ Mélange
Big-Data-as-a-Service, or BDaaS, is making waves in the industry, but its impact in the longer run remains a mystery. What is it and how to use it?
dinsdag 28 juli 2015
The Ultimate Guide to Data Quality and Business Intelligence
Data quality and Business Intelligence are critical for success in today’s economy and if you get it wrong; it could ruin your business.
maandag 27 juli 2015
How HPC and Big Data Can Bring Smart Innovation To Your Company
High Performance Computing (HPC) and Big Data is a very powerful mix, resulting in High Performance Data Analytics that will change your business.
How to Encrypt Data in the Cloud to Stop Mischievous Hackers
The cloud has become the place to store your data, but how do you ensure that your data is safe and that you have the right cloud security in place?
vrijdag 24 juli 2015
Are Data Mining and Machine Learning Distinct from Statistics?
Repackaging data analysis/statistics with data management/IT will not provide further synergies in the field. It will just sell things.
donderdag 23 juli 2015
5 Pieces of Wearable Technology Used for Protecting Children
Big data and wearable technology can protect children, by enabling parents to know where their children are and know if something is wrong.
woensdag 22 juli 2015
A Closer Look at the Energy Needed to Run the Cloud
The advantages of using the cloud have become clear and indisputable, but is the cloud green, and how much energy does it consume exactly?
dinsdag 21 juli 2015
For the Industrial Internet to Prosper, Collaboration is Required
The Industrial Internet of Things requires collaboration and partnerships for it to succeed and to start the 4th industrial revolution.
maandag 20 juli 2015
How to Expand Your SQL Development Career
SQL is the clear and present hot skill in Big Data right now, but how do you start? Here are 7 ways that help you expand your career.
vrijdag 17 juli 2015
Big Data vs. Bad Data; a $ 3 Trillion Opportunity
As Big Data grows in its scale and ambition, we are forgetting that it is worthless unless it has a reasonable degree of accuracy and quality.
donderdag 16 juli 2015
5 Easy Steps to Embed Big Data in Your Business
Organizations should start as soon as possible with embedding Big Data in their business. This simple five-step approach could help you achieve that.
woensdag 15 juli 2015
3 Innovations that are Disrupting Competitive Intelligence
Crowdsourcing, Temporal Analysis and Artificial Intelligence: 3 methods that could disrupt Competitive Intelligence and change organizations.
dinsdag 14 juli 2015
Brasil's Customer Festival - São Paulo, Brazil 28-29 Sep 2015
Brasil’s Customer Festival is a two day interactive conference that unites all aspects of the customer journey.
How to Increase Your ROI with Data-Driven Content
Most businesses know that content is a must-have in marketing. And not just any content; Data-driven content can actually increase your ROI.
maandag 13 juli 2015
Join the Quant Risk Americas 2015 Event in New York
The Congress includes CCAR, DFAST, Model Risk, PPNR, FRTB, Value Adjustments and data impacts.
Discovery Analytics: It’s Not Hacking, It’s R&D
Many people misunderstand discovery analytics; it isn’t mindless hacking any more than traditional research or development activities are.
vrijdag 10 juli 2015
Can Your Business Profit From Data Quality?
Profiting from data is not simple and before advancing plans to turn data into riches, you have to take care of the data quality.
donderdag 9 juli 2015
Why Statisticians Not Only Practice Within Traditional Statistics
The myth that statisticians only practice within 'traditional statistics' removes or undermines some of the most competent professionals.
woensdag 8 juli 2015
3 Ways Data-Driven Marketing Improves Your ROI
At the heart of good marketing is data. And when data drives your marketing, the average return on investment (ROI) is a whopping 224%!
A Human Perspective on the Power of Big Data
The world is tunneling deep into a mountain of big data. In order to come out on top, let’s manage it correctly and ensure consumers’ privacy.
dinsdag 7 juli 2015
Using Big Data to Increase Employee Engagement
Most managers and HR directors have no clue what big data is or its importance in their daily activities. Here both are explained.
maandag 6 juli 2015
Marketers: Is Big Data REALLY Worth It?
Your data can’t tell a story if it’s all over the place. If, as a marketer, you want to make your customer data useful, get rid of the various silos.
vrijdag 3 juli 2015
No Secrets in Our Social Media World!
1 Billion data records were stolen in 2014. What does that mean for your company, do you need a Data Protection Officer?
donderdag 2 juli 2015
The Missing "D" in Data Science: A Case for Mr. Holmes
We often feel data alone is the answer for solving business problems. But can Data Scientists survive without real domain expertise?
Why Big Data Can’t Beat the Human Spirit
Big Data will take over our lives one day, but not all of our lives…. and not the parts that involve the workings of the human heart.
woensdag 1 juli 2015
4 Tips to Whip Your Marketing Data into Shape
Don’t lose revenue due to bad data. Getting your data into shape is a easy for those companies who are willing to invest the time and resources.
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